Release inherited burdens and uncover wisdom and gifts within!

Your ancestors are calling you to work with them, to unbind the restrictions that were placed upon you through past vows, beliefs, and stories of suffering embedded into your DNA

The burdens that you carry are not yours to shoulder alone. Your ancestors are available to support you in healing them, together.

I have been guided by my own ancestor, and those of my clients to bring forward healing ceremonies that allow for a direct connection to ancestral energy.

These ceremonies are powerful, and easily move heavy burdens, some buried so deep that you may not even realize they are holding you back from living your highest potential.


Here's what you will get:

Your Ancestral Alchemy Activation includes guidance on tuning in to your intuition and “claire-abilities” so you can connect deeper to your ancestors and begin to see, feel, and know the guidance they are sending you. Next we will move into a guided into a ceremony where we will activate your third eye and heart chakra making it possible to easily clear away burdens they have passed to you. Removing old vows and contracts, and welcoming in freedom to create new patterns and ways of being. The ceremony includes channeling healing energy directly from your ancestors, sound healing, visualization, and more. Your experience will be unique as you connect directly with your ancestors. Once your ceremony is complete you will also receive journal prompts for integration.


Activating your abilities to see, know, feel, and understand the guidance from your ancestors.


Healing energy will flow to you from your ancestors as they lift the burdens that you carried.

Sound Medicine

Using sounds throughout the ceremony to shift the frequency.


Guided you into a meditative state, connecting deeply to the wisdom from your ancestors.


Releasing inherited old vows, contracts, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy patterns.

Unlock Gifts

Finally embracing the inherited gifts that you carry so you can confidently shine your light.

Meet Your Guide

Heathir Brown

Heathir has a passion for supporting people through deep healing and transformation in a light hearted, and playful way.

With over 16 years of experience in the healing arts, she comes with a myriad of tools and intuition to move in any direction that her client’s need to go.

Heathir has a natural ability to gather wisdom from the body as well as being an energetic channel for ancestors, angels, and spirit guides for sessions that are unique and personalized.

© Heathir Brown Intuitive Healing